Is this the beginning of the end for the cape .


4x4 Earth Contributer
When I went in 2009 the track into Vrilya Point had a waste bin area which was overflowing, many just stacked it on top to the point of overflowing and turning it into a shit heap - very disappointing, I stopped on the main track when a bin presented itself and put my rubbish in there.

Pajinka was covered in toilet paper and animals had shat on top of shit forming a shit pile in the toilets of the old resort - what sort of decent human does this? At the tip, a foreign tourist pissed in the water making a comment about Australia - I wanted to give him a push into the water, another couple camped on top of us then complained about the smoke from the fire the next morning.

When I was coming along the Jigalong Road WA, I stopped at the Fortsecue River crossing and saw what appeared to be a party with all sorts of rubbish which didn't appear to be from tourists as there was a broken pram from memory and used nappies, bottles cans etc. so it's not restricted to the Cape.

Not sure if I'm turning into a grumpy old man or just sick of the bullshit behaviour that people exhibit causing TO's to shut these places down spoiling it for the rest, but at least they don't have to deal with it anymore.



Well-Known Member
Cut the Cape off just north of the bauxite mine, and tip it into the ocean as a barrier for the drug lords and people smugglers. IMHO.

Then it would be useful.

Can you tell how much I enjoyed my Cape trip?

Maybe its time to sell the Cruiser and drift off to do something else.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it seems anywhere that is remotely popular/busy seems to suffer the same. Its one of the reasons I loathe going to the more popular places to camp. I'd much rather go more remote or find some unknown place.

That's what I was trying to say, but you put it a lot better. :)


Well-Known Member
I reckon all the popular tracks should be limited to leaf sprung 4wd's without A/C that would greatly reduce numbers and in turn help preserve areas from over use and over crowding. I done the cape and other areas in a 40ser cruiser so everyone else should as well that'll sort the real enthusiast out.


Well-Known Member
I reckon all the popular tracks should be limited to leaf sprung 4wd's without A/C that would greatly reduce numbers and in turn help preserve areas from over use and over crowding. I done the cape and other areas in a 40ser cruiser so everyone else should as well that'll sort the real enthusiast out.

You,ll upset the cashed up glampers Batts...


New Member
I landed in Brisbane nearly 20 years ago, from the Uk. One of the first things that struck me about that time was how clean Brisbane/Gold coast was compared to the Uk, very little rubbish. Now its got much dirtier , Mcdonalds/KFC etc just chucked out the window cans, bottles in the verges. As the population has grown from 20 million in 2002 to over 25 million now the number of dipshits has increased many fold. Its not just the cape its everywhere the " I am entitled" generation largely to blame. Its not poor education EVERYONE knows its not right to litter, people choose to be idiots


Well-Known Member
I landed in Brisbane nearly 20 years ago, from the Uk. One of the first things that struck me about that time was how clean Brisbane/Gold coast was compared to the Uk, very little rubbish. Now its got much dirtier , Mcdonalds/KFC etc just chucked out the window cans, bottles in the verges. As the population has grown from 20 million in 2002 to over 25 million now the number of dipshits has increased many fold. Its not just the cape its everywhere the " I am entitled" generation largely to blame. Its not poor education EVERYONE knows its not right to litter, people choose to be idiots
Does that mean there are too many poms there now? :)

(Sorry mate, too good an opportunity to miss lol)


Well-Known Member
Spent a lot of time in Aenhem Land, N.T. Nearly everywhere was off limits unless a permit was granted. I was lucky as I had a permit that allowed me to go anywhere. It worked well as the numbers were limited and rubbish wasnt really an issue. Many of the communities were like rubbish dumps, but thats another story. Heavy fines for entering without a permit as well. Cant blame people for trying to keep their land in a decent condition. The old telegraph track is just a rubbish trailer interspersed with shite paper and crap. Mainly exists to keep the bogans happy. I can see the day when it also will be closed.