2010 Annual meet-up

Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
No poll yet, just thought I'd put it out there for suggestions as to where it could be.
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5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
High Country would be good, but that leaves a long way for the banana benders and some others to travel.

Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
Mu thoughts are maybe the (northern) Flinders Ranges, seeing as how there are quite a few SA members around now and I havn't been there yet and they appear to be good at organising outings.

Pure Yobbo

Try and match the school Holidays up - same as Middle Earth was this year, that way people can travel if the need to.

Maybe somwhere different next year, see the sights a bit.


Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
I still like Flinders Ranges, but is it cold in July there? Or as cold as Ferndale was?

Ekki Adventurers

4x4 Earth Contributer
SA/NT would be good (Middle ground) and maybe we can convince some WA's to come along too.
July in the Flinders is quite mild really - not often they get low temperatures or rain up that far north.
Co-ordinating school hols could be challenging as I know SA is a week out to the eastern states.


Well-Known Member
SA/NT would be good (Middle ground) and maybe we can convince some WA's to come along too.
July in the Flinders is quite mild really - not often they get low temperatures or rain up that far north.
Co-ordinating school hols could be challenging as I know SA is a week out to the eastern states.

Now come on Ekki, you are not working for the SA tourism now, it can get cold as a witches up there, we had ice on our swags at Rawnsley park in the August 2 years ago .

lets face it it will be cold that time of the year unless you are talking about the topend somewhere .

Remember that you will have to put up with Queenslanders grizziling and muttering something about the cold .

Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
SA/NT would be good (Middle ground) and maybe we can convince some WA's to come along too.
Co-ordinating school hols could be challenging as I know SA is a week out to the eastern states.
Thats why I think SA could be a good idea, get you SA people involved and also not too far for the WA crew (what's a 3 day drive across the country between friends anyway?)
Co-ordinating school holidays doesn't work for anywhere, as it was this yr the Vic. hols were different to the NSW ones and I have no idea what the QLD ones were but it worked for us in Vic, this time :D


4x4 Earth Contributer
Now come on Ekki, you are not working for the SA tourism now, it can get cold as a witches up there, we had ice on our swags at Rawnsley park in the August 2 years ago .

lets face it it will be cold that time of the year unless you are talking about the topend somewhere .

Remember that you will have to put up with Queenslanders grizziling and muttering something about the cold .

Hang on a minute!!:eek: I'de never heard so much whingin, *****in, pissin n moanin as the southerners at middle earth!!:rolleyes: Us Queenslanders , we just sucked it up and got on with it!!:cool:

Was pretty fresh there though!! ;) Especially up at Barrington tops!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
Hang on a minute!!:eek: I'de never heard so much whingin, *****in, pissin n moanin as the southerners at middle earth!!:rolleyes: Us Queenslanders , we just sucked it up and got on with it!!:cool:

Was pretty fresh there though!! ;) Especially up at Barrington tops!!!:eek::eek::eek:

But it was all high class quality pissin and moaning coz we get such great weather we are well practised at it.

Ekki Adventurers

4x4 Earth Contributer
Okay so maybe it does get a bit cold but compared to Victoria - it's as warm as toast. Maybe we just have warmer blood over here. :D
Never hurts to promote your state with a bit of stretching of the truth - after all look at QLD
Beautiful one day - perfect the next. Twice we've been to Qld and it's p!ssed down with rain. :rolleyes:


4x4 Earth Contributer
Okay so maybe it does get a bit cold but compared to Victoria - it's as warm as toast. Maybe we just have warmer blood over here. :D
Never hurts to promote your state with a bit of stretching of the truth - after all look at QLD
Beautiful one day - perfect the next. Twice we've been to Qld and it's p!ssed down with rain. :rolleyes:

Ya had to pick our 2 wet days, did'nt ya!!:rolleyes: Let us know when ya coming next time and I'll get the Yobbo to fix it for ya!!:D:D:D


I don't care where it is as long as l've got enough notice to book in for holidays and get a few pennies behind me...as for the weather issue...you take enough clothes, blankets and maybe a warm body if your lucky enough to have one...theres no need for whinging.:rolleyes::p


New Member
A warm body aye lee maybe if you ask the man child nicely he might let u borrow Pinky to cuddle up to!!!