The BIG Question


Well-Known Member
reckon it has a lot to do with how kids are raised these days - wrapped in cotton wool by helicopter parents. Let the little shits climb trees, fall and break bones, eat dirt, run with adult type scissors, etc ... learning the hard way through experience and hard work makes better adults and a stronger society.
A lot of truth in that comment.

These days most kids aren't required to think much, just ask & they get.

I recall when I was 10 looking in the chemist window & asking my father if I could have a cheap film camera, he responded "if you want it then you better get a job" so next day I signed up for a paper run & 2 weeks later bought the camera.

Your never going to learn anything if it's always done for you!

I also find Uni types who are supposed super intellectual have problems with everyday menial tasks like changing a tyre or putting up a tent.
I guess different people's cogs are geared to work at different paces on different things.
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Well-Known Member
My brother run a B&B so gets all types, he has slow combustion wood heaters, he supplies all the fire lighters, paper, kindling, small bits and bigger bits of wood, there are instructions on how the wood heater works.
Many can not light a fire and ask for help....
The world is full of stupid drones that have no clue and yes it is directly due to society, people blame parenting but that again is only a product of society.


Well-Known Member
My brother run a B&B so gets all types, he has slow combustion wood heaters, he supplies all the fire lighters, paper, kindling, small bits and bigger bits of wood, there are instructions on how the wood heater works.
Many can not light a fire and ask for help....
The world is full of stupid drones that have no clue and yes it is directly due to society, people blame parenting but that again is only a product of society.
If so many people have trouble lighting the fire, maybe the instructions aren't very clear. I stayed at an Air B&B in Apollo Bay that had a fancy gas heater. The owner's instructions to light it made no sense, and could have been written by a 6th grader that failed English. I googled the instructions and it was nothing like what the handwritten instructions tried to say. Bingo. Warmth and a nice fake log fire LOL.

My point is that if lots of people struggle with a single task, then what is in common with the issue. It's easy to write out instructions that don't make sense to others. I am writing out a professional site survey and installation document at the moment, it's not a simple task. and it's easy to assume the reader has some knowledge that they don't. Try writing down instructions on how to tie a shoelace.

I don't buy that there are so many stupid people. Clearly there are some yes, but mostly Mikehzz's comments apply IMHO.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s more re a group thing, put people in a large group and they dumb down,
Global warming will s the perfect example, as an individual most will claim environmental issues are required and the most pressing issues facing mankind and big changes must be made before it’s to late, as a mob we want continual power and increasing quality of life
Sadly we can’t have both in the immediate future


Well-Known Member

Well, maybe not 100% correct.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s more re a group thing, put people in a large group and they dumb down,
Global warming will s the perfect example, as an individual most will claim environmental issues are required and the most pressing issues facing mankind and big changes must be made before it’s to late, as a mob we want continual power and increasing quality of life
Sadly we can’t have both in the immediate future

Yes, there is an actual term for that: 'Groupthink'. Wikipedia has a pretty good write-up on the topic.


Active Member
My brother run a B&B so gets all types, he has slow combustion wood heaters, he supplies all the fire lighters, paper, kindling, small bits and bigger bits of wood, there are instructions on how the wood heater works.
Many can not light a fire and ask for help....
The world is full of stupid drones that have no clue and yes it is directly due to society, people blame parenting but that again is only a product of society.
That may well make them sound like an idiot on this forum but how many people need to start a fire these days? If you’ve never been shown…


Active Member
Maybe it’s more re a group thing, put people in a large group and they dumb down,
Global warming will s the perfect example, as an individual most will claim environmental issues are required and the most pressing issues facing mankind and big changes must be made before it’s to late, as a mob we want continual power and increasing quality of life
Sadly we can’t have both in the immediate future
I don’t remember who it was but someone said “A person is smart and people aren’t“. No doubt I’ve murdered that saying but you get the gist.


Well-Known Member
If so many people have trouble lighting the fire, maybe the instructions aren't very clear. I stayed at an Air B&B in Apollo Bay that had a fancy gas heater. The owner's instructions to light it made no sense, and could have been written by a 6th grader that failed English. I googled the instructions and it was nothing like what the handwritten instructions tried to say. Bingo. Warmth and a nice fake log fire LOL.

My point is that if lots of people struggle with a single task, then what is in common with the issue. It's easy to write out instructions that don't make sense to others. I am writing out a professional site survey and installation document at the moment, it's not a simple task. and it's easy to assume the reader has some knowledge that they don't. Try writing down instructions on how to tie a shoelace.

I don't buy that there are so many stupid people. Clearly there are some yes, but mostly Mikehzz's comments apply IMHO.


4x4 Earth Contributer
My 18yo and 21yo grand daughters struggle to light and feed a camp fire due to little or no experience.
My 10 yo twin grand daughters do it easy by themselves.
Difference is the younger ones camp a lot and also just got back from five months around Australia.


Well-Known Member
My brother run a B&B so gets all types, he has slow combustion wood heaters, he supplies all the fire lighters, paper, kindling, small bits and bigger bits of wood, there are instructions on how the wood heater works.
Many can not light a fire and ask for help....
The world is full of stupid drones that have no clue and yes it is directly due to society, people blame parenting but that again is only a product of society.
I lit a fire in my lounge room on Thursday night. I love my open fire and light it a few times a week in winter.

I had the usual kindling, paper and wood that was under cover for 12 months. You reckon I could get that sucker going? It took an hour and never turned into a decent fire.

I needed instructions that night. And I was only one glass of red in.


Well-Known Member
We don’t struggle to light fires in our family haha. old pic, he turns 15 today. For the record they can both split timber and start fires traditionally, they just love the map gas torch though.
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Well-Known Member
We run B&B and recently had a couple leave after their first night because he botched up lighting the fire that bad he smoked out the house and his pregnant wife didn’t want to come back inside for fear it would hurt the baby
:D :D :D
They were away for their Babymoon, yeah I know I had never heard of them either but apparently it’s a thing


Active Member
Talking to a lady today who said her teenage daughter rang her to come and pick her up because she couldn't catch the bus home from school because she had anxiety. We both crapped ourselves laughing....
Mental health is no different to any other sort of health. Shame on the pair of you.
The sorts of things that would scare a teenage girl away from getting on a school bus aren’t funny they’re horrible.


Well-Known Member
Mental health is no different to any other sort of health. Shame on the pair of you.
The sorts of things that would scare a teenage girl away from getting on a school bus aren’t funny they’re horrible.
If you can't see where that attitude is heading then you're not paying attention. Sometimes a person has to suck it up and get on with it for their own good, otherwise they do end up with a real mental health problem. Take the easy way, take a pill and the nasty feelings go away? If you say so.