There is ways around anything if you know what to do. I have a friend that is an engineer and I can get it all legal at the drop of a hat. Shannons will insure it for us no probs. TAC and Vic roads will not be a drama.

hope you dont get a cocky TOG pull you over its a nasty fine and time off the rd but good luck guys


5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
Naa it will all be fine, Once I have all the bar work done I'll get the car engineered. Keep a few papers in the glove box and wont be a smart arse when they pull us over. I was a bit cheeky when I had my hotrod years ago and learnt my lesson. They said my supercharger obstrucked the drivers veiw I pulled out the report and said "stick it" and they canaried me for a damb indicator globe. :mad: I'm nice to them these days...Its yes sir no sir yes sir. :rolleyes:

V8 4runner

New Member
Naa it will all be fine, Once I have all the bar work done I'll get the car engineered. Keep a few papers in the glove box and wont be a smart arse when they pull us over. I was a bit cheeky when I had my hotrod years ago and learnt my lesson. They said my supercharger obstrucked the drivers veiw I pulled out the report and said "stick it" and they canaried me for a damb indicator globe. :mad: I'm nice to them these days...Its yes sir no sir yes sir. :rolleyes:

good news...
1. there is no need to keep papers in the glove box as everything is recorded at Vic roads, and constable plod will know EXACTLY what has been done to it.

2.the MAXIMUM amount of lift to ANY passenger vehicle is TOTAL of 150mm.
be it tyres, body lift , suspension lift etc.

I cant emphasise this enough mate.... 150 mm IS IT, no matter who says you can, simple answer as per vic roads and the national code of practice is you can not do it.

yes 4' is only 100mm... BUT, you can only have 2+2 ( 2"body +2"susp), you can not have 4" inches of either, you can not have 3" of one and 1" of another
it is a maximum of 2+2

then put bigger tyres on it... and can only go 2" bigger.

2" body lift
2"suspension lift
2" larger tyres
= 150 mm which is the maximum allowable, and engineerable allowable.
if someone knows of an engineer who is prepared to engineer something that is not legal... BEWARE !!!

I have been through all of this persanally Bruce.... engineers can legaly only sign off on something that is allowable... they are just saying that what you have done is safe.

I have just read through this post again before posting it up, and I guess it sounds like I am being a "know all" .
it is not my intention to be a know all...just trying to let you know what the REAL story is.
please do your research first.

i will be at the wandong 4x4 show and can show you ant paperwork that you might need mate.

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4x4 Earth Contributer
As you can see there has been a few changes to the TI... There is still more mods to come in time. I have had to pull the handbrake on Bruce lol :D:D
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Hey Elise Would u mind Standing next to the Niss Niss The Rig so as we can get an idea of the lift ect.


4x4 Earth Contributer
Can do Grumpy. I just stood beside the door to see how high it is & the bottom of the window is level with my shoulder (I'm 5'4).


4x4 Earth Contributer
On the way back from the Wandin show Bruce & Brad had a giggle at me being the smallest person driving the biggest car!!

Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
How about a pic of you in the wheel arch so we can apriciate the lift on the um err, you know, the um....
But anyway Elise that would be good for a giggle.


5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
How about a pic of you in the wheel arch so we can apriciate the lift on the um err, you know, the um....
But anyway Elise that would be good for a giggle.

Lmao..... She got in the wheel arch the first night we had the lift done. :D:D:D:D
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