EOI ACT Earthlings Meetup



Seems a few of us are ready for another meetup in the Brindies. I suggest ....

4x4 Earth - Canberra Chapter Meetup and Brindabella day trip. Dry weather only. Family friendly. 9am Sunday 3rd March, 2013. UHF 16.

Meet at Conder hut (S35 18.795 E148 52.304 (copy n paste into google maps) is on Brindabella Rd on the left hand side 5.3km from Uriarra homestead heading to Picadilly Circus. Blue Range Rd is just before Conder hut and on the right. I'll be parked so I can be seen from the road. It's easy to miss Conder Hut and parking is out of sight from the road. Let me know if you're not sure. Air down.

Then travel via Picadilly Circus and Gentle Annie to Flea Creek (morning tea). Then via Webbs Ridge Trail to McIntyres Hut for lunch. Return via Dingi Ridge and Blue Range Rd back to Conder Hut. Air up and go home. Easy/medium. Steep ascents and decents, rocky, hairpins. 60km total (40 km L1). 6 hours.

Just in case, please make sure you have basic recovery gear, UHF radio, good tyres, and a full tank of fuel. Any questions?

Who's in?
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New Member

Where is your sig block Dave?

Why haven't I seen you at work for a year?

Sent from earthling #3 on my CD V6 Jelly Bean powered HTC One X using the send button on your mum's Tapatalk 2


Well-Known Member
Would luv to come for the day if I'm welcome.on the off chance if anybody would like to have a camp for the weekend then meet the others for the sun I would be more than happy to have guided tour of the brindies for the weekend cheers kris

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk


we is in at the moment ........... looking forward to it

sent from my laptop sitting on my lap in the lounge room


don't know if we will be able to make it now twisty the triton is giving me some grief again

it will be back in the shop as soon as i can get it in


looks like i've done a head gasket and i can not get it into the workshop til the 1st

so i'm going to have to drop out of this trip

i hope i can get it sorted before my high country trip with the st4wdc or that will be another drop out


it was going into the shop on the 1st anyhow but now it's going to have have a bit more work o'well sooner or later i will get it all sorted

waiting to here back from Craig from southern diffs to get back to me about the next mod i have in store for it lol


New Member
No point Dave, will have to make it another weekend


Sent from earthling #3 on my CD V6 Jelly Bean powered HTC One X using the send button on your mum's Tapatalk 2



Okay, cancelled :-( I'm not having much luck with these trips. Fathers day, car rallies ... bugga.

Can anyone suggest a date that isn't conflicting with something else?
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G'day mick,

They're doing a bit of work alright. Had a grader over it a few months ago as well to erase some ruts. Annie is far more gentle now. But there's a bit more bulldust.. Big burn off west of webbs ridge as well. Now all we need is some rain ...


New Member
Id love to come, but till end of May i'm out. I will be riding my motorbike to Cairns in the name of prostate cancer. Getting a sore arse by choice to raise awareness for blokes who have had that choice taken away. I leave on Saturday 4 may 2013.