Buckleboo Stock rte


Active Member
Looking to possibly do Buckleboo Stock Route (north to south) on our way to Googs Trk the next day.

For those that have done this track, I'm wondering how long to allow for actual stock route track?

Is there any options to camp closer than Kimba to the north end, perhaps on the side of the track itself? 5.5hrs to Kimba, would rather enjoy the track when not tired at the end of the day.

Les PK Ranger

4x4 Earth Contributer
It's an easy run, have done it a couple of times, usually on the way to Googs, camping at Pildappa other side.
Took 3 hrs for this section A - B which was 83.4km, Buckleboo turn to a point north of Wudinna, probably had a good stop at Corrobinnie Hill too.

As noted on the mapout screenshot there is a good camp I noted on there in Pinkawillinee CP.
You are leaving from Adelaide yeah ?

Shoot me a PM and I'll send you the GR coordinates for that camp (if you have a mapping app etc to use it ?).

Or you could camp perhaps quietly at the cricket / football grounds (nice facility) on Buckleboo Rd, just north of Buckleboo Hundred Line Rd.
