This is the 2nd in our 2 part interview with Wayne Hevey, the CEO of 4WD Victoria. We discuss how 4WD Victoria is working for clubs to maintain track access.
4WD Victoria and access to MVO tracks.
Management Vehicle Tracks are often available to 4WD Club members. Wayne Hevey discusses why they are only available to club members and whether track access should be available to all 4WDers or just club members.
We discuss the 4WD Victoria insurance for trip leaders scheme. The big question is whether a trip leader is responsible for the people on the trip and what their duty of care is? Are they responsible? Is this something that 4WD Victoria has instigated in an attempt to drive people to become members of a club, or is there a duty of care of any trip leader running any trip? This is a big question for the 4WD industry in general and it stops a lot of people from asking newbies along on their trips.
We finish up with what we can do to create more track openings, especially around 4WD tourism.
Join the discussion on the 4x4earth forum about track access.
If you’re interested in more information about 4WD clubs, contact 4WD Victoria.
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