53 - 4WD Victoria and track access.


Our next podcast has Wayne Hevey, the CEO of 4WD Victoria, and we discuss track access and whether 4WD Victoria is helping all 4WDers, or just 4WD club members. We discuss the big issue of trip leader insurance.
We also discuss the perception of a conflict of interest between the Victorian Government and 4WD Victoria - given that 4WD Victoria receives a lot of funding from the Victorian Government each month.
We also discuss the Access for All movement and BUGU - the Bush Users Group United. Why wasn't 4WD Victoria represented at the BUGU rally? Wayne discusses the issues openly and puts forward 4WD Victoria's point of view.

Have a listen and let us know what you think. Are you a club member? Why / Why not?

4x4 4WD Access with Wayne Hevey from 4WD Victoria 1080x1080 IG FB.jpg
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