Yandama Stock Route - far west NSW to SA


New Member
The Yandama Stock Route from far west NSW to Balcanoona in SA - is this still a thing? I found this route in Brian Sheedy’s book Outback on your Doorstep published in 1993. Obviously in use by the public back then, and sounds reasonably straightforward, an adventurous way to get from Milparinka and Hawker Gate in far west NSW to Balcanoona in the Northern Flinders. Book states that part of the track is "private" and permission is required, but it couldn't have been too difficult to get permission for Brian to include the route in his book. Has anyone done this track, or know if it’s still navigable? Have the properties changed hands to owners reluctant to give permission? Feedback appreciated.


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Well-Known Member
I think i am correct, will verify. The track you are talking about is Browns Track?
It is open to a point from the SA side, it goes through private property to Hawker Gate at the end (NSW side)

When we approached the station owner to traverse his property, he was adamant not to allow us through. Think he had a gut full of rescuing 4 x 4's. We looked at the implications of traversing any way but the fines etc if caught were not worth it
Some have claimed to have driven through and not been challenged !
We drove around via Cameron Corner and when we got to Hawker Gate it was locked
If you are really adventurous there are caterpillar marks shown from east (NSW) to west (SA) where mining/oil exploration has occurred, we attempted but gave up as sand has covered the tracks over time, they have been washed away etc and the going was slow
Then again if you got a herd of cattle, drove them down the track, followed by your four wheel drive, think would make a pretty good legal case ;)