hey guys i am aquiring a new vehicle and want to ut a gps in it.
any thoghts on units that people have and are happy with woul dbe great.
will be used 80% on raod around town and th rest off road weekend trips.
thanks guys
Expensive, but the Hema Navigator is great. Have had mine for about 9 months now and so far, it has done everything I have wanted. Has both 'off road' and street nav software ( Ozi and Route66 )
Just did this exercise recently myself. And what an exercise it is. There is quite a lot of wonderful info on the thread HELP GPS/LAPTOP WHICH WAY TO GO
I have a cheap Garmin nuvi 255 - $195 from JB hifi
you can get extra offroad maps cheap enough and legitimately free to plug into the micro SD slot.
works a treat