virgin run


Just returned from getting my Dual cab Hillux ute dirty for the first time, have not been off road since the seventys.( in a nissan patrol short wheel base) found this great stretch of nice
sloppy thick gooyie mud. going back tomorrow with my brother and his 4x4 to pull me and when i get stuck roll on tomorrow


as i forcast yesterday i got stuck in the mud had to rescued by my will take a long time to live that down. when i figure how to get the pics to this page i will show you the results..BUT!!!! boy was it fun except for cleaning the mud off. $20-00 at car lovers??


New Member
Getting stuck is half the fun. A Mate and i went out the other night and covered his truck in mud. pulled in at a servo and the look on the attendants face was of horror and anger. The mud was dripping off in clumps. We ended up spending $12 at a laserwash and went back to the shed and got the Gerni on it to finish the job. wish i had have got a photo. its a white hilux. and it was completely brown with mud.

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