The Sugarloaf Pipeline Alliance wishes to advise that construction of the Sugarloaf pipeline is soon to commence in the Toolangi State Forest. Construction activities will impact a narrow section of the forest adjacent to the Melba Highway between the high voltage power lines just north of the Toolangi State Forest and the southern boundary of the Forest.
To facilitate construction of the pipeline, some tracks in the Toolangi Forest will be closed to the public.
The following tracks will be affected:
Rocky Track• may be closed for short periods of time (up to 72 hours at a time) during 2009.
Marginal Road• may be closed for short periods of time (up to 72 hours at a time) during 2009.
Romix Track• will be closed until December 2009.
5 Ways Track• will be closed until December 2009.
Various un-named tracks will be closed • until December 2009.
Signage will be in place advising forest users of track closures and detours. The accompanying map shows the sections of the abovementioned tracks affected by pipeline construction activities.
If you have any questions relating to track closures in Toolangi Forest or the Sugarloaf Pipeline Project in general, please call the Project Information Line on 1800 453 753. Further information on the project is also available on our website at:
To facilitate construction of the pipeline, some tracks in the Toolangi Forest will be closed to the public.
The following tracks will be affected:
Rocky Track• may be closed for short periods of time (up to 72 hours at a time) during 2009.
Marginal Road• may be closed for short periods of time (up to 72 hours at a time) during 2009.
Romix Track• will be closed until December 2009.
5 Ways Track• will be closed until December 2009.
Various un-named tracks will be closed • until December 2009.
Signage will be in place advising forest users of track closures and detours. The accompanying map shows the sections of the abovementioned tracks affected by pipeline construction activities.
If you have any questions relating to track closures in Toolangi Forest or the Sugarloaf Pipeline Project in general, please call the Project Information Line on 1800 453 753. Further information on the project is also available on our website at: