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Welcome to 4x4 earth
Brothers, I seek you understanding and absolution.
I am the proud owner of a new Toyota Landcruiser 200 series VX Twin Turbo Diesel.
I have a confession.
4x4Earth Brothers, nothing can be compared to the pain I experienced last week.
I should have known better. but it cut me to the quick.
Can I ask for forgiveness?
The 200 is my misteress and for her there was nothing to forgive.
She just wants to go and go and go.......... She’s a good girl like that.
I have tried to put it down to a passing madness. A momentary loss of reason. But the truth is I did it willingly and with reckless regard for her safety -and I am not proud.
It was only a scratch; just a little one and I really should harden up I know. But the pain, oh the pain it inflicted seared my heart like a hot razor.
But I suppose I just have to put it aside and move on with my life, forever changed though it shall now be.
Taking her into the bush at her tender age of 4 weeks for the thrill of a little mud bath was wrong........Very wrong I know and I hang my head in shame...but what’s done is done.
Besides, now that she has her first pin stripe I can really give the ***** full noise........... Yee Haah!!! Tasmania here we come.
This weekend we are going to get down and dirty and I know that she will still keep me in her warm caress and still look at me and want MORE..... Bring it!!
Yours Remorsefully, Ian.