

New Member
The RACV thinks I seized my engine, any way to tell for sure? anything I can do to free it, or am I best to just rid myself of the problem?


New Member
The RACV thinks I seized my engine, any way to tell for sure? anything I can do to free it, or am I best to just rid myself of the problem?

If possible get a socket and appropriate extension onto the bolt that holds that harmonic balancer on and then use a long as possible breaker bar to try and turn the engine over.

Make sure its in neutral if its a manual.

If it really is seized then thats the end of it. Its died :(

Not saying it can't be re built of course but once an engine has seized it needs to be rebuilt.

Just curious did it run out of oil or loose oil pressure suddenly?

Or did it over heat?

Did it just stop on you all of a sudden?




New Member
not got socket onto it yet, but it did run out of oil, and overheated, I pulled up it was running rough, and I swithe3d off the key, not been able to start it since.


New Member
Sounds like it is siezed mate. Might be a bit harder dealing with overheating due to running out of oil, but if you overheat due to loss of coolant, you never turn a motor off until you get some coolant into it and cool it down as they to sieze after they stop. Sounds exactly like what has happened to your rig.


Well-Known Member
I would say it is FOO KED ! By your avatar , it looks like a 60 series, should be plenty of motors around for that, but sometimes it is the devil you know is better than the devil you don't , price out the option of a rebuild . Really depends on how long you want to hold onto the truck !


Well-Known Member
Nah, it's his missus's camry, a v6 petrol, east-west motor too I think he said the other day. Looking
for a second handy to replace it.