New Member
hey guys,
Was thinking of mounting a few spotties on my roof, has anyone experienced the light reflecting back a bit? Im either going to make a small roof basket with spot light mounts or just a spot light rack. I have the mounts already and 2x pencil beam roo lights,2x narva spead beam and im goint to put 2 more spot lights to point out the sides of me. Im not sure which way im going yet as i have a sun roof and a high roof so the mounts only fit the front. Thinking of a bit of protection for the spot lights too when im making it. Any thoughts......
Was thinking of mounting a few spotties on my roof, has anyone experienced the light reflecting back a bit? Im either going to make a small roof basket with spot light mounts or just a spot light rack. I have the mounts already and 2x pencil beam roo lights,2x narva spead beam and im goint to put 2 more spot lights to point out the sides of me. Im not sure which way im going yet as i have a sun roof and a high roof so the mounts only fit the front. Thinking of a bit of protection for the spot lights too when im making it. Any thoughts......