Anyone know an easy way to remove vinyl laser cut lettering from the paint work, WITHOUT damaging the paint.
Being a spraypainter, the best way I have found is to use a heat gun, but not too hot. This works for 2 Pac and Acrylic. Slowly pick on one corner, then slowly remove the sticker with the aid of the heat gun.
For the glue residue left behind, better of to use Prepsol to remove. Prepsol can be used on 2 pac, Acrylic and Air Dry enamel safely, which will cover nearly ALL paint types. It doesnt matter if it is Block Colour or Metallic, as metallic has a clear coat over top (Except for XD-XF Fords and Early Bird Commodores).
Once all glue residue is removed, use a good quality polish, and polish the area. You might find the paint underneath the sticker is the original colour, and could be different to the rest of the car.
Have fun, and take it slowly........