New post lost in sistem

teza h

Well-Known Member
I put up a post in the "coms equipment"uhf aeirials section of teck talk,at about 2.00pm the other day and by about 3.30 pm it had been removed from the new post log,along with others. As a result I have had 0 feed back on a subject, that I am sure many could help with. Due to lack of exposier at the right time of day.....Why clear of the new posts so fast at this time of day... I did'nt wont to start a new thred on a subject already coverd.
Just thought that I'd throw this out there.
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I put up a post in the "coms equipment"Anttana section of teck help,at about 2.00pm the other day and by about 3.30 pm it had been removed from the new post log,along with others. As a result I have had 0 feed back on a subject, that I am sure many could help with. Due to lack of exposier at the right time of day. I did'nt wont to start a new thred on a subject already coverd.
Just thought that I'd throw this out there.

Just looked up your post and it's under UHF Arials not Comms Equipment, hope this helps


New Member
I put up a post in the "coms equipment"uhf aeirials section of teck talk,at about 2.00pm the other day and by about 3.30 pm it had been removed from the new post log,along with others. As a result I have had 0 feed back on a subject, that I am sure many could help with. Due to lack of exposier at the right time of day.....Why clear of the new posts so fast at this time of day... I did'nt wont to start a new thred on a subject already coverd.
Just thought that I'd throw this out there.

Try clicking on Quick Links/Today's Posts next time and you'll find it. It seesm that new posts remembers the time you were there last and clears anything before that time. Annoys me too!

teza h

Well-Known Member
Try clicking on Quick Links/Today's Posts next time and you'll find it. It seesm that new posts remembers the time you were there last and clears anything before that time. Annoys me too!

Yeh thaks Rod,I did'nt know that.Very helpfull, how many other people know I wonder? Cant help but feel that the post (question) is lost to most members, especially when it is in a subject like "Teck Talk" where you have to choos a section then go in and finde the thred....Any way I would realy appreciate some feed back on my aeirial question.....


New Member
Yeh I struggled with this forum for quite a while becasue it was missing a "View active threads" option that gives you all posts from the top down. If you go away for a weekend, how do you catch up with threads that are over 24 hours old? I have not found a way yet!


4x4 Earth Contributer
Yeh I struggled with this forum for quite a while becasue it was missing a "View active threads" option that gives you all posts from the top down. If you go away for a weekend, how do you catch up with threads that are over 24 hours old? I have not found a way yet!

TOP idea!!




New Member
TOP idea!!



Excellent Frosty! Keep on him, I think I added it to the new features list, but this thread highlights the problem... and probably makes it easier to understand what I meant.

Pure Yobbo

If you go new posts how many is the maximum it will bring up? 100? I have no idea I am never off long enough for it to build up over 50 or so.

I am on another forum and it only goes to 100 new posts then thats it. Same v-bulliten software


ive never had a problem with it... if I havent been on for a week next time I come back, all new posts are there... just have to open them all up...

I use firefox and teh way I do it, at the start of each time i visit the site, I open in a tab each section... that way if i read a very long thread, it doesnt clear the rest... i just have ot open them up in another tab... very quick way of doing it...


Hey guys, will look into it. I should be able to be done. Vbulletin is fairly capable.



New Member
Just checked on NewHilux forum. the "View Active Topics" link shows 5 pages back to 27th September which is a week. (whihc seems to be vbulletin) has:
Hottest topics (last 2 days)
Latest posts.
Post last day
Post last 2 days.

Pure Yobbo, the new posts seems to only show last 24 hours but if you close your browser and return, the new posts are not new anymore so none will be listed. Try it you forum junkie!