This is great fellas!! I am looking at doing the same thing myself and was wondering if there were any tricky parts... ? seems like you had it well covered.
are you happy with the set up? did you put heavier load springs in the rear? or normal load ones?
Hey Rob, The tricky part was getting the strut out, but once you get that upper control arm out of the way its a lot easier. The top nut on the rear shocks is a massive pain as well, it has a really long thread and takes ages to undo and then tighten. At first I used standard dobinsons springs. But then after about 2 years I upgraded to heavy duty dobinsons springs. I have a fair bit of weight in the car now, and tow a caravan regularly.
In general, the setup is great. I'd buy it again. I like that the front is adjustable and you can level the car out.