Well-Known Member
Hey guys… the million dollar question…. What is the best 4x4 app. (For iPad mini) Ive researched heaps of reviews on YouTube. I just want to hear from people who actually use them.
I’ve never used a 4x4 nav or app before.
Something easy to use, can save designations easy and take me back there (in case I discover a place I won’t remember how to get back to)
And options that are most frequently used.
will it be hema explorer, hema 4x4 or something else?
Get the Hema4x4 app ( not the other Hema ones) It is a no nonsense reliable product ( developed by Memory Map)
There are other products about with fancier options,( the new MM looks good but still early days ) but can be buggy from the reports you hear
I have been running the Hema4x4 app since 2007 and never given me an ounce of grief and has done it’s job
I am constantly on the lookout for other options and tried a few but nothing has got me wanting to change