Good everyday tyres ?


Well-Known Member
im in the market for some new tyre's for every day use , at the moment iv got Baja claws 31x10.5x15's. no need to get another set of muddies as iv got 33x12.5x15 mud terrains for my off road use.

so i do about 500 kms a week so need some thing good on juice and easy to drive,

dunno what path to go A/t's or just road tyres ? i would nt mind a/t's as you never know where you might get stuck on an average day.

unsure about size either i was leaning towards 32's i feel 33s would be too slow for every day use. and 31's sit about 2500rpms doing 100kms/h,

not really too keen on speading heaps either any ideas ?


New Member
Not sure if its what you're looking for but Bridgestone have D694 Dueler on special at the moment.

Cracker Bridgestone Tyre Sale

Seem to be very well priced in normal or LT construction.

But only have the special price in the 16 inch rim size.



4 Bees

New Member
Try going back to the original cheese (split rims) cutters for the cruiser with a set if LT tyres you will most likely find better ecomany with thiner rims and tyres and Lt's seem to last for ever

V8 4runner

New Member
I run the yokahama A/T in 31 x 10.5, fantastic for fuel efficiency, very minimal road noise...and not all that expensive either.
when I had the V6 in, I was getting EASY 500 to550 kms per tank (65lt), whereas mates with identical vehicles running other tyres in the same dimensions, would be happy if they got more than 420 kms.


Grey Ghost

5th Annual Victorian Gathering member
BFG AT's damn good on the black stuff and not to bad when its a spur of the moment off road expedition either, or if you're like me, that's all you can afford.


New Member
I have Dueler D694 A/T's. They handle the black top really well (quiet, grippy, not sloppy cornering and don't often evoke a response from the ABS) and they handle sand, gravel and a bit of mud with ease.