Good one! Hope that happens more often for you.
Yes, its quite nice out there in the winter. But I also like the occasional drive up that way in the middle of summer, and even enjoy it on a stinking hot day, even though the car has not got airconditioning. Its not too bad with the windows down because you get a good breeze, as long as you keep moving to provide a gentle breeze over the perspiration. Automatic evaporative airconditioning system, and its very kind on the temp gauge! Not too fast or you are just sitting in a blast furnace.
This sort of weather gives you a really good connection with the country, since for 6 months of the year, or more, its brown, dusty and hot. But you would get plenty of that in your job anyway - probably don't need it on your weekends too!
But I think it must bring back fond memories for me, of the 45 times, over 20 years, when I have outlanded in a wheat paddock with my glider. Sometimes 100's of km from where I took off. Then I had hours soaking up the dust and heat waiting for my mates to come and find me with the car and trailer. But before that happened I had to find the nearest phone. And that could take a long walk across the often drought stricken paddocks. Furthest I walked was 20km.
Sometimes I was out there for 6 or 7 hours, as they either get lost on the back roads, or visited a pub or two on the way! For a guy who lived in the north west of WA as a kid, but for the next 12 years was trapped in the big city, this was pure bliss!
They were the days before the .05 rule. How the 500 kg glider was pulled apart and lifted on to the trailer, often well after midnight and well under the influence, was a miracle. I was the only sober one of course, and since it was my car, I was the driver to take the merry mob home.
Once I had a couple of my senior students crewing for me. The older one took me down to the Bordertown regatta in his 'new' XA Falcon 500. Very nice! I landed about 40km north west of Bordertown, and the two lads went tearing off in the opposite direction for some reason. After a long time searching through the tracks over the border, south of Serviceton, they finally rang back to the gliding club to sort themselves out. That was a long wait on the side of the road!