Firewood Charity Drive – May 31


Are you into warm glowing feelings?

On May 31st we are running a Firewood Charity Drive for Global Care who are assisting the survivors of Kinglake and surrounding hamlets of Flowerdale, Strathewen, Pheasant Creek etc who ironically have no firewood for winter heating or cooking following the Black Saturday Firestorms.

As there are some thousands of tonnes of fallen timber around Marysville, Buxton, Taggerty and Narbethong, currently being raked into huge bonfires for burning, we have arranged with property owners to allow us to cut and take away as much of this timber as we can carry for delivery to Global Care in Kinglake for distribution.

The timber is fallen “ground” timber that is 50/50 green/dead (cured) which needy survivors can use immediately with a good stock being available for the following winter. Coincidentally Four Wheel Drive Victoria is conducting an accredited club chainsaw course on the same weekend and have offered help in providing trainees to cut up the timber into 300-350mm (12-14 inch) sized logs to practice their newly aquired skills. The accreditation trainees will be accompanied by other club and private chainsaw owners (being upwards of 50 or more) in clearing timber across several dozen properties on the day. The logs will be divided up at Kinglake by Global Care volunteers into immediate use stock/next winter stock and split with hydraulic splitters.

In order to get the timber to Kinglake we need as many cars, trucks, motorbikes and 4WDs with trailers as we can get to help cart the cut logs to secure lockupsin Kinglake. As trailer loaders and delivery drivers are not required to be bone fide 4WD club members please invite your family, relatives, friends, work mates and neighbours to come along too. It is hoped that we will have so much firewood that we will be able to donate firewood to other charities in other fire affected shires as well as metropolitan charities.

If you would like to help us please contact the Country Emergency Response Group Inc by email .

Can you help us?

The fire survivors really need you now!

Hoping to see you on the day,

Evan Davidson
Country Emergency Response Group Inc.