Dingo Fence at Cameron Corner


Active Member
My best mate and I are heading from Wagga Wagga to Cameron Corner at Easter and taking in the sights of Mungo and Sturt National Parks as well as Broken Hill, Menindee and the confluence of the Murray and Darling Rivers.

I wanted to take the opportunity to drive some of the length of the Dingo Fence as it heads south from Cameron Corner before turning west and crossing the NSW/SA border somewhere north of Broken Hill (maybe adjacent to Packsaddle). From what I have read, it seems that there are maintenance tracks that can only be accessed by authorised people and I was wondering if there were any tourist accessible tracks along this section? Also is there anything else out there that is a "must see"?

Les PK Ranger

4x4 Earth Contributer
I think you're right about them supposed to be only for maintenance, and (probably) local leasee access.

We walked up the short length of that track from Lindon property when we walked to CC from the Flinders Ranges in 2002 . . . that's only maybe 700m or so before it heads off to the ssw direction though, but you could do that and back ok I'm sure.

The main track is on the east side of the fence, I know many have driven it, and I suppose if it's not wet, and driven with care and respect, who's it hurting.
Where to get off and come back though ?
It goes down a fair way (maybe 16km ?) before you can take a turn (Diggers Tank Rd) and that is within Sturt NP, not sure if it might be gated / locked ?

Maybe Lukes lower route would work for you, not sure if it's a more open section / less leasee concerns, but it's well outside of Sturt NP too.


Active Member
I think Luke's lower route is the best solution! I will add it to the itinerary and discuss it with the rest of the team on the weekend :)


Active Member
Definitely no access along the Dog Fence..I think the last sign I saw along Googs track had a hefty fine attached to it.


Well-Known Member
The part you traversed Luke, was that a general road or leasehold ?
See any signs ?

Good to know for future.

Part we drove was actually a parallel track about 10m away from the actual maintenance track, plenty of signs saying not allowed on the other track. Whole track was public access through stations, even one spot requested you stop in at the property so they know your passing through.


Part we drove was actually a parallel track about 10m away from the actual maintenance track, plenty of signs saying not allowed on the other track. Whole track was public access through stations, even one spot requested you stop in at the property so they know your passing through.
They were nice people. Was also good as they let you know track conditions and that they had hunters on their land chasing goats .

Les PK Ranger

4x4 Earth Contributer
Good to know, nice alternative to going up SC Hwy.
Most folk are great out that remote, they love visitors (and some fresh veg if you can pack some to give away).
I think it was 4 properties I had to contact to do the right thing and let them know we were walking through, our plan etc, one was part of the Kidman group.
All were really good and we even stopped into Lindon for a cuppa and scone, as too do Moolawatana before and after our trip.


Well-Known Member
There was an incident (crash?) a few years back between some tourists and a contractor working on the dog fence.


Are there good maps showing all of the dog fences?
I ask this as we crossed one on the tail end of the Madigan line last year it was on the QLD part of the track and the fence to say the least was on the ground for quite some distance So we guessed that part was no longer maintained or needed?
I have seen some mention of the fences on I think Hema maps but are these still maintained?