I did a comparison between the ARB and the Typhoon compressors a while ago and posted it up on another site, so I'll copy/paste it here, just for a bit of extra info:
"Well, I've just done an interesting comparison between the Projecta Typhoon and the new ARB compressor.
I've been using the Typhoon for about 12 months, and have been happy with the speed of the thing (claimed 150 litres/min)....I find that I usually over-inflate my tyres because the thing pumps so quick. Then I have to let a few psi out again to get the right pressures.
Recently I had a rear air locker fitted complete with the new ARB compressor and inflation kit.
ARB claim 75.1 litres/min @ 0 psi and 61.6 litres/min @ 29 psi.
This compressor looks very well built, but geez it's tiny....half the size of the Typhoon. It looks like a toy
I honestly thought the Typhoon would kick it's butt.
So here's how I went about testing them against each other.
First I let both front tyres down to 16 psi (MTZ's 285/75/16)
Then I connected both compressors to the same battery, and ran the motor at a fast idle, so both compressors would be getting the same voltage. Connected the compressors to the tyres and started them up at the same time.
Ran the comps for 60 seconds, and then checked the pressures:- ARB 27 psi. Typhoon 26 psi. Not much in it at all.
Ran the comps for another 60 seconds, and checked the pressures again:- ARB 37 psi. Typhoon 34 psi.
Ran them for another 60 seconds, and checked the pressures again:- ARB 44 psi. Typhoon 40 psi.
As can be seen from the above figures, the Typhoon falls away a bit when the pressure gets up.
But I still think it's probably the best bang-for-buck compressor on the market today. From memory I paid about $160 for mine....bloody good value, if ya ask me
But the ARB compressor is seriously just a good thing.
Not a super scientific test....I just thought someone might be interested in a real world comparison between 2 of the most popular compressors on the market today."
p.s. the Typhoon is for sale if anyone wants it (1/2 new price). I've got no further use for it....ARB is mounted under bonnet, and the Typhoon is just too bulky to carry as a 'backup'