1hz hot start issues

Another 105

New Member
G'day everyone
I've just had my 1hz rebuilt with ceramic coated pistons, 1hd rods and rebuilt injector pump. It now has trouble firing when hot, it winds over for a good while. Cold starts are fine but once it's at operating temperature it doesn't Ike to start again. Any suggestions? Thanks


Well-Known Member
It sound like your fuel cut off solenoid Immobiliser situated behind the fuel pump . If its a 105 its locked in a black cover A common problem on this engine. This can be bypassed or replaced. I would bypass it to avoid future issues. A good test is to pour cold water on it to cool it down next time it doesn't start. Removing the immobiliser may void your insurance. As a regular poster but due to all the annoying adds on this site this is my first post in @ 6 months

Another 105

New Member
It sound like your fuel cut off solenoid Immobiliser situated behind the fuel pump . If its a 105 its locked in a black cover A common problem on this engine. This can be bypassed or replaced. I would bypass it to avoid future issues. A good test is to pour cold water on it to cool it down next time it doesn't start. Removing the immobiliser may void your insurance. As a regular poster but due to all the annoying adds on this site this is my first post in @ 6 months
Thanks for your reply. It's going back to North Vic engines under warranty. They said they will pull the pump off and send it back to MTQ. Wonder if I should try the cold water trick first??

Another 105

New Member
as a 1HZZZ owner am interested in what they come up with, let us know how u go
Ok been a while, I gave MTQ another go at the pump but still no good so got a different pump builder to rebuild it again. Hot and cold starts are spot on but it seems pretty rattled.


New Member
I have a similar issue but have found my issue is not related to engine temperature but being parked in the sun. To get a start open the cabin and let the cabin air temperature drop. The security light will come back on(flashing car in central dash) Park the car in shade, no issue. Still trying to find exactly what needs to be cooled. Do not appear to have any ECU unit behind the glovebox involved. Has anyone else found a cure to the immobiliser being immobilised itself?

lars cordes

Well-Known Member
had a related issue recently with my 100 series cruiser. had just completed 2 weeks camping along the SA coast (great place btw), was staying with my sister a bit out of port augusta, went to go for a drive & could not get it to start. a mechanic friend of my sisters & myself traced down to either the fuel injector pump or the fuel solenoid signal cut out (from the security system). got it to the workshop in port augusta, luckily it wasnt the pump ($5k changeover), got the cut out switch by passed & all good again.


New Member
Finally pulled the dash out and got the immobiliser out. Plugged it back to the harness and applied heat from a hot air gun, the security light went off then just ambient air and it came back on. So our issue is park in the sun and the immobilser malfunctions until cool enough to operate. I am sure Toyota could have found a better location than just under the dash and under the windscreen!!! Not a good location for thr tropics.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to do with where it’s located, pull the immobiliser apart and look at the circuit board with a magnifying glass, find the dodgy solder point, melt it and suck it up with a solder sucker , resolder and problem fixed