
  1. W

    June/July 4x4 Trip To O'Tools

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to see if anyone would be down to go on a weekend trip to O'Tools (east of Victoria) or any area around them for a weekend. Feel like after covid not many people have been getting their tyers and cars dirty enough. Would be an awesome weekend, amazing camping spot...
  2. Lewy_88

    Tom Groggin to Mt Gibbo to Mt Pinnibar over 3 days

    We did a loop out of Tom Groggin over three days that took in some incredible camps, fun drives and some spectacular views. The videos below show it best but here is a bit of a write up as well. We had five cars, two 79 series Landcruisers, a 100 series, a GU patrol and RG Colorado wagon. We...
  3. J

    VIC bush camping - light 4wd

    Hi All, I normally bush camp in the Vic high country early Jan with a large group of family and friends (3 vehicles, 10 people adults and kids). Given the bush fires already burning this year we are looking for a new destination that is somewhat secluded, off the beaten track (light 4wd only)...
  4. J

    Where to go 4wding south east vic in September

    Hey guys I'm looking at going out 4wding this weekend with a couple mates and wondering wheres best to go with all the seasonal closures. Looking for intermediate tracks. Possibly Bunyip, Warburton, Neerim... would love to hear your recommendations on wheres best and what tracks to do.