Looking for suggestions to fit out my canopy to head back up to the stations, I’ll be removing the masa drop down fridge slide and replacing with fridge/freezer draws 695mm (L) x 440mm (W) x 260mm (H), but looking for ideas around pull out pantry and drawers that will fit as it’s quite narrow...
gday all,
MSA drop slides are on pre-order, hence I can’t duck down and measure up myself, but would a DS40 drop slide fit on top of a Titan single drawer? Online measurements give the external dimensions, I don’t mind if there’s a little overhang of the slide on top of the drawer, but just...
Has anyone had problems recently with 4WD Supacentre Warranty claims.
My titan draw turned up a little worse for wear. Looks like something heavy has been dropped on the draws.
I've put a claim in today.
Must have been a really heavy hit. It's fairly sturdy.