
  1. E

    1hz smoking in the morning

    Hello everyone It's a while that my cruiser smokes after starting up to 30 seconds and doesn't smoke anymore. The engine starts easily and rapidly even in the cold weather (below 0°C) but it smokes about 30 seconds specially when it has been turnned off for a few hours. The smoke color is...
  2. E

    1hz not starting or starting weak

    Hello everyone My 1hz does not start or starts weak when it is hot.But it starts rapidly when it is cold. Fuel system (timing), the battery or what?
  3. E

    Fj45 Oil Bath Air Cleaner

    Hello Everyone Actually I have replaced my 2F engine with a 1HZ and put 2F's oil bath air cleaner for it. But the problem is the oil in oil bath goes to the intake manifold and then goes to the cylinder. The result is that oil burns and white smoke comes out from my exhaust. Does it have any...
  4. W

    Need info on a 1hz overheating

    Hi there I'm after some advice, im looking at a 80series with a 1hz and ive been told that it had done a head from the thermostat seizing causing it to overheat, he has rebuilt the topend of engine replacing the head etc. Just wondering if later on down the track if there would be problems. Any...
  5. D

    Suggestions ... rebuilt 1HZ or 1HD-T

    Hi folks my first post I believe although I have had this account for a while. Hope everyone’s doing well. I’m just after some advice on which direction I should go in , last week my 1HZ said goodbye and cracked a piston (so we believe) and now I am in a situation where I can rebuild the 1HZ...
  6. GERmechanic

    1hz Rebuild - without pulling engine

    Hey guys, I want to rebuild my troopy 1hz and my uncle told me it could work without pulling the engine. Is it possible? Easier? What do you reckon? Thanks in regards Jan
  7. J

    Should I turbo my 79

    Hey I've got a 1999 78 series landcruiser ute, it's got about 260k's on it ATM and I am thinking about putting a ct26 turbo on at around 8-12 PSI, just woundering if I should commit to this because I am worried about how many k's I will get out of it as I wanna get around 500 out of my cruiser...