Newcastle Land Rover Club

Club Description

The Newcastle Land Rover Club (NLRC) was established in 1963, and our membership is open to any person with an interest in wholesome and responsible recreation that can be associated with the 4wd vechicle,weather it be a Land Rover or any other make. The club promates 4wd touring through organise trips, which vary in duration from a few hours to more than a month, depending on the trip\'s purpose and destination. The club program of evnts includes social outings, education and training opportunities, competitive days, and other activities that emphasize family partication. An asset the club is honoured to have is a lease on remote forest land. Our lease features comfortable amenities constructed by members in a wonderful bush environment. The clubis a foundation member of Four Wheel Drive NSW and the Australian National 4WD Council, and it promotes sensibale and responsible 4wd driving together with an appreciation of thye beauty of Nature with an emphassis on conservation.

Club Features